Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


1/28/2023 10:20 PM


Kianee Martinez

Heat Winner: RacerKianee Martinez
Best Lap64.315 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap67.068
ProSkill SCORE1365 This Round +/- 165
2nd Place: RacerKamani Garnett
Best Lap64.503 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader0.188 Average Lap66.646
ProSkill SCORE1345 This Round +/- 145
3rd Place: RacerSimaria Pinhe...
Best Lap64.623 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader0.308 Average Lap66.286
ProSkill SCORE1325 This Round +/- 125
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Rodney Rivas 65.377 1.062 5 67.974 1305
5 Orlando Fonseca 65.678 1.363 4 69.592 1285
6 Japhe Deliat 65.743 1.428 4 68.408 1265
7 Camya Laforest 65.997 1.682 5 67.988 1245
8 Daniel Martinez 67.564 3.249 5 72.325 1225
9 Darcy Dubuisson 67.797 3.482 4 69.497 1195
10 Kijuan Garnett 68 3.685 5 68.78 1195
11 Kailynn Goodman 68.011 3.696 5 70.726 1165
12 Rebecca Ayeni 68.012 3.697 4 73.485 1145
13 Elijah Martinez 68.483 4.168 5 72.565 1125
14 Weslen Fonseca 69.223 4.908 4 73.555 1105
15 McAlbert Jean 70.784 6.469 4 73.789 1085
16 Valery Najac 72.804 8.489 4 77.981 1065
17 Rubiana Costa 94.241 29.926 3 99.824 1045

Lap Times by Racer

Simaria Pinhe...
(Penalties: 0)
189.837 [13]
267.535 [1]
365.142 [2]
464.623 [3]
567.846 [3]
Darcy Dubuisson
(Penalties: 0)
173.488 [3]
270.052 [6]
367.797 [6]
470.641 [9]
Kamani Garnett
(Penalties: 0)
168.832 [2]
268.06 [3]
364.503 [1]
467.376 [2]
Kijuan Garnett
(Penalties: 0)
186.077 [12]
270.153 [7]
368.541 [10]
468.425 [12]
568 [10]
McAlbert Jean
(Penalties: 0)
178.005 [5]
274.915 [15]
370.784 [15]
475.668 [15]
Valery Najac
(Penalties: 0)
195.643 [15]
276.956 [16]
384.182 [16]
472.804 [16]
Japhe Deliat
(Penalties: 0)
174.826 [4]
270.158 [8]
365.743 [4]
469.324 [6]
Kianee Martinez
(Penalties: 0)
183.055 [8]
271.939 [12]
365.661 [3]
464.315 [1]
566.357 [1]
Elijah Martinez
(Penalties: 0)
180.773 [7]
271.525 [11]
368.483 [9]
474.794 [13]
575.459 [13]
Kailynn Goodman
(Penalties: 0)
185.376 [11]
274.252 [14]
369.314 [13]
468.011 [10]
571.329 [11]
Camya Laforest
(Penalties: 0)
189.963 [14]
268.951 [4]
367.996 [7]
465.997 [7]
569.009 [7]
Rodney Rivas
(Penalties: 0)
178.343 [6]
270.666 [10]
368.756 [11]
465.377 [4]
567.095 [4]
Rebecca Ayeni
(Penalties: 0)
168.024 [1]
270.287 [2]
368.012 [8]
482.157 [11]
Daniel Martinez
(Penalties: 0)
185.373 [10]
270.187 [9]
367.564 [5]
476.216 [8]
575.334 [8]
Rubiana Costa
(Penalties: 0)
1113.119 [17]
2105.406 [17]
394.241 [17]
Orlando Fonseca
(Penalties: 0)
196.046 [16]
273.614 [13]
369.483 [14]
465.678 [5]
Weslen Fonseca
(Penalties: 0)
184.897 [9]
269.223 [5]
372.63 [12]
478.811 [14]