Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


11/3/2024 12:50 AM


William Robinson

Heat Winner: RacerWilliam Robinson
Best Lap59.342 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap62.386
ProSkill SCORE1593 This Round +/- 115
2nd Place: RacerDjeffrey Fenelon
Best Lap59.455 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader0.113 Average Lap61.567
ProSkill SCORE1531 This Round +/- 93
3rd Place: RacerJoab Desilmar
Best Lap60.302 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader0.960 Average Lap62.945
ProSkill SCORE1578 This Round +/- 60
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Raeyona Ford 61.181 1.839 5 62.976 1216
5 Fetson Etienne 61.614 2.272 5 62.652 1281
6 Jovensky Fenelon 61.643 2.301 5 63.057 1281
7 Kelly Taleus 61.888 2.546 5 63.79 1141
8 Claire Florival 62.53 3.188 2 67.173 1001
9 Abigail Benoit 62.547 3.205 5 63.582 1070
10 William Gaspard 62.9 3.558 5 65.293 1251
11 Jeffry Fenelon 62.961 3.619 5 66.603 1278
12 Brian Homere 63.119 3.777 5 65.997 1167
13 Joanna Fenelon 63.994 4.652 4 71.136 1007
14 Jamal Benoit 70.727 11.385 4 75.895 1226
15 Sophonie Flori... 74.134 14.792 4 77.941 848

Lap Times by Racer

Fetson Etienne
(Penalties: 0)
176.537 [6]
261.614 [4]
362.498 [4]
463.054 [4]
563.441 [5]
Djeffrey Fenelon
(Penalties: 0)
182.141 [9]
259.455 [1]
361.042 [1]
464.966 [2]
560.806 [2]
Jovensky Fenelon
(Penalties: 0)
195.821 [14]
262.836 [6]
361.643 [5]
466.01 [5]
561.738 [6]
Raeyona Ford
(Penalties: 0)
195.796 [13]
263.649 [10]
363.717 [11]
463.355 [11]
561.181 [4]
Joanna Fenelon
(Penalties: 0)
163.994 [4]
265.542 [11]
373.154 [12]
474.712 [13]
Brian Homere
(Penalties: 0)
195.362 [12]
263.119 [9]
363.286 [10]
470.585 [10]
566.999 [12]
Jamal Benoit
(Penalties: 0)
176.833 [7]
284.641 [14]
372.316 [14]
470.727 [14]
Abigail Benoit
(Penalties: 0)
178.265 [8]
264.44 [12]
362.547 [7]
463.208 [7]
564.132 [9]
Kelly Taleus
(Penalties: 0)
176.334 [5]
265.311 [13]
364.44 [13]
463.522 [12]
561.888 [7]
William Gaspard
(Penalties: 0)
185.047 [10]
262.9 [7]
363.839 [8]
467.966 [8]
566.466 [10]
Claire Florival
(Penalties: 0)
162.53 [3]
267.173 [5]
Sophonie Flori...
(Penalties: 0)
194.594 [11]
280.984 [15]
378.705 [15]
474.134 [15]
Jeffry Fenelon
(Penalties: 0)
196.599 [15]
262.961 [8]
363.029 [9]
467.077 [9]
573.344 [11]
William Robinson
(Penalties: 0)
160.774 [1]
260.106 [2]
359.777 [2]
459.342 [1]
570.321 [1]
Joab Desilmar
(Penalties: 0)
161.323 [2]
260.939 [3]
360.497 [3]
460.302 [3]
570.043 [3]