Heat Results

Heat Type

Online Res. PRO T2

Win By

Best Lap


1/26/2025 4:40 PM


Nicholas Russo

Heat Winner: RacerNicholas Russo
Best Lap55.943 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap58.016
ProSkill SCORE1536 This Round +/- 169
2nd Place: RacerDaniel Russo
Best Lap57.647 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader1.704 Average Lap59.164
ProSkill SCORE2049 This Round +/- 54
3rd Place: RacerPeter Castellano
Best Lap58.549 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader2.606 Average Lap59.504
ProSkill SCORE1359 This Round +/- 152
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Anthony Russo 58.969 3.026 5 61.353 1387
5 Daniel Wardell 59.037 3.094 5 61.206 1536
6 Catherine Russo 59.142 3.199 5 63.269 1264
7 Gabriella Sasso 59.989 4.046 5 64.17 1173
8 Victoria Russo 60.675 4.732 5 67.248 1394
9 Veronica Rodas 61.025 5.082 5 63.249 1236
10 Jake Rusbarsky 61.249 5.306 5 63.4 1154
11 Angelo Gomez 61.506 5.563 5 65.262 1197
12 Joseph Russo 62.774 6.831 5 73.773 1243
13 Jahad Salter 63.095 7.152 5 67.021 1157
14 Jorge Rodas 63.965 8.022 4 67.653 1137
15 Jhoselyn Rodas 65.899 9.956 5 69.414 1117
16 Bri Jimenez 66.291 10.348 5 73.207 1097
17 Ariana Jessup 67.853 11.910 5 73.407 1077
18 Ayelet Russo 79.046 23.103 4 82.56 952
19 Alex Guzman 79.822 23.879 4 80.049 1040

Lap Times by Racer

Gabriella Sasso
(Penalties: 0)
167.007 [6]
264.88 [12]
360.822 [8]
459.989 [7]
570.987 [7]
Daniel Russo
(Penalties: 0)
164.05 [3]
258.216 [1]
357.647 [1]
458.976 [2]
561.815 [2]
Victoria Russo
(Penalties: 0)
170.56 [8]
264.734 [11]
360.675 [7]
471.968 [8]
571.617 [8]
Daniel Wardell
(Penalties: 0)
166.848 [5]
260.22 [5]
360.498 [5]
459.037 [4]
565.071 [5]
Veronica Rodas
(Penalties: 0)
187.832 [13]
264.511 [10]
366.307 [12]
461.152 [9]
561.025 [9]
Catherine Russo
(Penalties: 0)
169.865 [7]
259.142 [3]
365.767 [3]
461.628 [5]
566.538 [6]
Jhoselyn Rodas
(Penalties: 0)
186.872 [12]
271.508 [13]
369.605 [16]
465.899 [15]
570.646 [15]
Jorge Rodas
(Penalties: 0)
184.064 [11]
263.965 [9]
368.987 [11]
470.006 [13]
Nicholas Russo
(Penalties: 0)
161.456 [2]
258.635 [2]
360.188 [2]
457.297 [1]
555.943 [1]
Joseph Russo
(Penalties: 0)
196.419 [16]
272.801 [16]
377.492 [17]
462.774 [12]
582.026 [12]
Jake Rusbarsky
(Penalties: 0)
164.388 [4]
262.359 [8]
361.249 [9]
463.088 [10]
566.904 [10]
Peter Castellano
(Penalties: 0)
160.225 [1]
259.672 [4]
360.037 [4]
459.757 [6]
558.549 [3]
Anthony Russo
(Penalties: 0)
174.468 [10]
260.952 [6]
360.468 [6]
458.969 [3]
565.023 [4]
Bri Jimenez
(Penalties: 0)
191.398 [14]
274.313 [17]
366.291 [13]
472.118 [16]
580.106 [16]
Ayelet Russo
(Penalties: 0)
1105.6 [19]
287.776 [19]
380.859 [19]
479.046 [18]
Alex Guzman
(Penalties: 0)
1105.446 [18]
280.376 [18]
379.822 [18]
479.948 [19]
Angelo Gomez
(Penalties: 0)
170.735 [9]
261.506 [7]
363.318 [10]
463.619 [11]
572.606 [11]
Ariana Jessup
(Penalties: 0)
193.184 [15]
272.629 [15]
367.853 [14]
472.804 [17]
580.342 [17]
Jahad Salter
(Penalties: 0)
198.46 [17]
271.816 [14]
368.431 [15]
464.741 [14]
563.095 [13]