Heat Results

Heat Type

Supertrack Reservation Pro

Win By

Best Lap


2/25/2025 12:00 PM


Charlie Hutchi...

Heat Winner: RacerCharlie Hutchi...
Best Lap110.183 # of Laps3 Gap from Leader- Average Lap111.312
ProSkill SCORE1854 This Round +/- 63
2nd Place: RacerVictor Sanchez
Best Lap118.815 # of Laps3 Gap from Leader8.632 Average Lap118.966
ProSkill SCORE1456 This Round +/- 80
3rd Place: RacerDavid Reyes
Best Lap120.99 # of Laps3 Gap from Leader10.807 Average Lap121.847
ProSkill SCORE1283 This Round +/- 83
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Keshaun Pauldo 121.226 11.043 3 122.308 1263
5 Santino Hall 121.256 11.073 3 122.103 1243
6 William Ramirez 121.434 11.251 3 122.43 1223
7 Mekel Little 123.183 13.000 3 124.398 1203
8 Shawn Majors 123.76 13.577 3 131.628 1183
9 Rayniel Sando... 124.381 14.198 3 125.571 1250
10 Jaytonio Littl... 142.292 32.109 2 142.292 1143
11 Khris Garcia 166.557 56.374 2 167.139 1123
12 Kimarla Evere... 166.794 56.611 2 170.413 1103

Lap Times by Racer

Rayniel Sando...
(Penalties: 0)
1129.191 [7]
2126.761 [9]
3124.381 [9]
Charlie Hutchi...
(Penalties: 0)
1111.879 [1]
2112.44 [1]
3110.183 [1]
Victor Sanchez
(Penalties: 0)
1119.568 [2]
2118.815 [2]
3119.116 [2]
Santino Hall
(Penalties: 0)
1127.353 [4]
2122.95 [4]
3121.256 [5]
Jaytonio Littl...
(Penalties: 0)
1153.413 [10]
2142.292 [10]
Mekel Little
(Penalties: 0)
1134.722 [9]
2123.183 [5]
3125.613 [7]
Shawn Majors
(Penalties: 0)
1124.926 [3]
2123.76 [8]
3139.495 [8]
William Ramirez
(Penalties: 0)
1129.094 [6]
2123.426 [7]
3121.434 [6]
David Reyes
(Penalties: 0)
1130.85 [8]
2122.704 [3]
3120.99 [3]
Khris Garcia
(Penalties: 0)
1166.557 [11]
2167.139 [11]
Keshaun Pauldo
(Penalties: 0)
1128.061 [5]
2123.391 [6]
3121.226 [4]
Kimarla Evere...
(Penalties: 0)
1166.794 [12]
2170.413 [12]