Heat Results

Heat Type

Online Res. PRO T2

Win By

Best Lap


2/13/2025 6:40 PM


Henry Kuo

Heat Winner: RacerHenry Kuo
Best Lap55.207 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap62.99
ProSkill SCORE1988 This Round +/- 90
2nd Place: RacerRobert Parrish
Best Lap56.943 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader1.736 Average Lap62.482
ProSkill SCORE1517 This Round +/- 142
3rd Place: RacerMark Rowlands
Best Lap57.329 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader2.122 Average Lap62.448
ProSkill SCORE1481 This Round +/- 128
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Tristan Nguyen 58.53 3.323 5 64.143 1369
5 Micheal Carda... 58.575 3.368 4 63.081 1677
6 Demetris Nicol... 58.635 3.428 5 64.552 1287
7 Steven Dennis 58.817 3.610 5 64.578 1267
8 Ariel David 58.924 3.717 5 63.717 1593
9 Manuel Castel... 58.935 3.728 5 62.478 1447
10 Ashley Mondragon 59.663 4.456 5 67.494 1120
11 Churskee Verdieu 63.473 8.266 5 70.041 1189
12 Alexis Manno 63.623 8.416 4 75.677 1011
13 Alexander Flores 64.71 9.503 4 71.822 1152
14 Ron Bumb 65.547 10.340 4 79.694 1132
15 Endris Lopez M... 65.653 10.446 4 72.698 1112
16 Jose Camilo 68.222 13.015 4 74.323 979
17 Kevin Pierre 75.456 20.249 4 81.283 1074
18 Madeline Ortiz 76.309 21.102 3 99.258 1054

Lap Times by Racer

Henry Kuo
(Penalties: 0)
165.839 [11]
258.103 [2]
356.768 [1]
455.207 [1]
581.88 [1]
Manuel Castel...
(Penalties: 0)
162.245 [7]
259.05 [5]
359.712 [7]
458.935 [9]
572.216 [9]
Ariel David
(Penalties: 0)
161.448 [6]
258.924 [4]
359.285 [6]
462.742 [8]
573.918 [8]
Mark Rowlands
(Penalties: 0)
159.325 [2]
258.135 [3]
357.329 [2]
459.708 [3]
574.622 [3]
Micheal Carda...
(Penalties: 0)
161.001 [5]
259.488 [6]
358.575 [5]
471.181 [5]
Jose Camilo
(Penalties: 0)
175.085 [16]
269.345 [16]
368.222 [16]
485.401 [16]
Robert Parrish
(Penalties: 0)
158.098 [1]
258.053 [1]
358.83 [3]
456.943 [2]
576.102 [2]
Steven Dennis
(Penalties: 0)
160.334 [3]
260.449 [9]
360.749 [10]
458.817 [7]
578.298 [7]
Churskee Verdieu
(Penalties: 0)
170.821 [15]
269.251 [15]
363.473 [11]
465.827 [11]
581.612 [11]
Demetris Nicol...
(Penalties: 0)
160.73 [4]
260.7 [10]
359.073 [8]
458.635 [6]
579.798 [6]
Tristan Nguyen
(Penalties: 0)
166.446 [12]
260.289 [7]
358.53 [4]
461.44 [4]
576.313 [4]
Ashley Mondragon
(Penalties: 0)
167.092 [13]
260.33 [8]
359.663 [9]
463.718 [10]
586.263 [10]
Alexis Manno
(Penalties: 0)
164.93 [8]
263.623 [11]
364.819 [12]
498.59 [12]
Ron Bumb
(Penalties: 0)
165.547 [10]
270.987 [13]
372.988 [14]
495.106 [14]
Alexander Flores
(Penalties: 0)
165.442 [9]
269.73 [12]
364.71 [13]
481.025 [13]
Madeline Ortiz
(Penalties: 0)
176.309 [17]
2102.844 [17]
395.671 [18]
Endris Lopez M...
(Penalties: 0)
167.787 [14]
266.954 [14]
365.653 [15]
485.486 [15]
Kevin Pierre
(Penalties: 0)
188.89 [18]
276.906 [18]
375.456 [17]
491.487 [17]