Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


1/25/2025 10:50 PM


William Pulido

Heat Winner: RacerWilliam Pulido
Best Lap58.216 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap62.491
ProSkill SCORE1812 This Round +/- 154
2nd Place: RacerRobert Giardini
Best Lap58.712 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader0.496 Average Lap64.31
ProSkill SCORE2359 This Round +/- 31
3rd Place: RacerAtom Kazachi
Best Lap58.943 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader0.727 Average Lap63.033
ProSkill SCORE1862 This Round +/- 73
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Alexander Mcve... 59.704 1.488 5 66.86 1517
5 Yahir Lopez 60.744 2.528 5 64.736 1527
6 Caua Silva 61.111 2.895 5 64.748 1398
7 Steve Woods 61.5 3.284 5 66.985 1297
8 Brandon Khuy 64.34 6.124 5 69.616 1421
9 Ty John 64.368 6.152 5 70.669 1257
10 Raven Vanderhoof 64.668 6.452 4 71.621 1237
11 Jaylon McGregor 65.482 7.266 5 67.626 1164
12 Juan Zuluaga 66.071 7.855 4 77.519 1260
13 Ibrahim Fazal 66.129 7.913 5 77.098 1178
14 Sebastien Bar... 67.913 9.697 5 71.201 1158
15 Briyani Daniel 72.736 14.520 4 79.711 1138
16 Brenda Daniel 74.377 16.161 4 83.95 1118
17 Josh Aponte 74.951 16.735 4 82.605 1098
18 Kaneez Haque 78.195 19.979 4 92.8 1013
19 Jeisly Smith 79.693 21.477 4 87.659 1060
20 Kierra Campilo... 108.484 50.268 2 111.67 1040

Lap Times by Racer

Brandon Khuy
(Penalties: 0)
168.481 [10]
264.34 [7]
375.7 [7]
470.051 [7]
568.373 [8]
Ibrahim Fazal
(Penalties: 0)
179.497 [16]
280.367 [18]
389.483 [18]
466.129 [13]
572.414 [13]
Kaneez Haque
(Penalties: 0)
182.523 [18]
278.195 [17]
396.534 [17]
4103.671 [18]
William Pulido
(Penalties: 0)
159.155 [3]
261.871 [3]
358.216 [1]
469.114 [1]
560.764 [1]
Yahir Lopez
(Penalties: 0)
160.744 [4]
263.803 [4]
363.035 [4]
464.571 [4]
567.534 [5]
Juan Zuluaga
(Penalties: 0)
174.358 [12]
286.157 [12]
380.33 [14]
466.071 [12]
Jaylon McGregor
(Penalties: 0)
166.486 [8]
265.624 [10]
366.514 [11]
472.882 [11]
565.482 [11]
Alexander Mcve...
(Penalties: 0)
167.466 [9]
263.948 [6]
375.997 [6]
467.791 [6]
559.704 [4]
Raven Vanderhoof
(Penalties: 0)
171.332 [11]
282.77 [11]
364.668 [9]
467.426 [9]
Kierra Campilo...
(Penalties: 0)
1108.484 [19]
2111.67 [20]
Robert Giardini
(Penalties: 0)
158.712 [1]
261.924 [1]
359.879 [2]
476.175 [2]
559.261 [2]
Atom Kazachi
(Penalties: 0)
158.943 [2]
262.84 [2]
361.748 [3]
468.024 [3]
559.521 [3]
Josh Aponte
(Penalties: 0)
175.131 [14]
287.438 [14]
385.425 [15]
474.951 [17]
Steve Woods
(Penalties: 0)
165.523 [7]
264.79 [9]
367.641 [10]
474.009 [10]
561.5 [7]
Jeisly Smith
(Penalties: 0)
180.708 [17]
293.63 [19]
379.693 [19]
489.653 [19]
Brenda Daniel
(Penalties: 0)
176.895 [15]
299.018 [15]
378.456 [16]
474.377 [16]
Briyani Daniel
(Penalties: 0)
1122.209 [20]
277.009 [16]
372.736 [13]
489.388 [15]
Sebastien Bar...
(Penalties: 0)
174.593 [13]
276.13 [13]
368.251 [12]
467.913 [14]
572.511 [14]
Ty John
(Penalties: 0)
165.152 [6]
264.368 [8]
375.012 [8]
472.687 [8]
570.609 [9]
Caua Silva
(Penalties: 0)
162.323 [5]
262.314 [5]
367.385 [5]
468.181 [5]
561.111 [6]