Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


2/9/2025 5:00 PM


Carlos Sierra

Heat Winner: RacerCarlos Sierra
Best Lap53.414 # of Laps6 Gap from Leader- Average Lap54.656
ProSkill SCORE2055 This Round +/- 74
2nd Place: RacerDaniel Fernandez
Best Lap54.143 # of Laps6 Gap from Leader0.729 Average Lap56.978
ProSkill SCORE1363 This Round +/- 163
3rd Place: RacerWilliam Sanchez
Best Lap54.768 # of Laps6 Gap from Leader1.354 Average Lap60.484
ProSkill SCORE1574 This Round +/- 97
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Joan Florentino 54.996 1.582 5 66.34 1284
5 Diego Albarracin 55.26 1.846 6 56.972 1334
6 José Ramirez 55.509 2.095 6 57.598 1261
7 David Fernandez 56.277 2.863 6 57.805 1264
8 Jochy Rosario 56.631 3.217 6 58.072 1381
9 Diego López 56.735 3.321 5 62.332 1137
10 Joel Florentino 56.748 3.334 6 58.071 1186
11 Jean carlos M... 57.322 3.908 5 62.532 1318
12 Justin Floren... 57.619 4.205 6 58.687 1262
13 Gabriel Martinez 58.042 4.628 6 62.921 1146
14 Eddy Aybar 58.197 4.783 6 61.107 1126
15 Andrea Patino 58.707 5.293 6 61.287 1106
16 Isandel Garcia 60.31 6.896 5 63.102 1086
17 Yoselin Lucena 61.799 8.385 5 69.097 1005
18 Jessica Barton 64.414 11.000 5 73.12 1047

Lap Times by Racer

William Sanchez
(Penalties: 0)
155.712 [2]
255.793 [2]
355.354 [2]
476.497 [2]
560.01 [4]
654.768 [3]
Carlos Sierra
(Penalties: 0)
154.577 [1]
253.671 [1]
353.414 [1]
453.72 [1]
556.976 [1]
655.497 [1]
Eddy Aybar
(Penalties: 0)
171.813 [14]
263.799 [16]
360.202 [13]
462.505 [13]
560.834 [13]
658.197 [14]
Jochy Rosario
(Penalties: 0)
160.355 [7]
258.374 [5]
357.509 [9]
459.091 [10]
556.631 [8]
658.757 [8]
Joel Florentino
(Penalties: 0)
163.511 [11]
260.265 [10]
357.546 [10]
458.619 [11]
557.176 [10]
656.748 [10]
Joan Florentino
(Penalties: 0)
162.669 [10]
262.151 [13]
356.138 [4]
492.075 [6]
554.996 [3]
Justin Floren...
(Penalties: 0)
161.221 [8]
258.582 [8]
357.619 [11]
457.806 [12]
559.082 [12]
660.346 [12]
José Ramirez
(Penalties: 0)
161.48 [9]
258.213 [4]
357.228 [6]
455.509 [4]
560.737 [6]
656.305 [6]
Yoselin Lucena
(Penalties: 0)
164.486 [12]
275.399 [17]
373.593 [17]
465.597 [17]
561.799 [16]
Jean carlos M...
(Penalties: 0)
157.322 [3]
261.241 [3]
372.883 [7]
458.199 [8]
557.806 [11]
Diego Albarracin
(Penalties: 0)
158.378 [4]
259.648 [6]
356.642 [5]
455.416 [3]
557.895 [5]
655.26 [5]
Diego López
(Penalties: 0)
159.2 [5]
269.576 [9]
366.146 [12]
456.871 [7]
556.735 [9]
David Fernandez
(Penalties: 0)
176.757 [16]
258.42 [7]
357.459 [8]
460.189 [9]
556.277 [7]
656.679 [7]
Andrea Patino
(Penalties: 0)
179.425 [17]
262.217 [14]
362.994 [15]
462.071 [15]
560.445 [15]
658.707 [15]
Gabriel Martinez
(Penalties: 0)
176.372 [15]
263.225 [15]
362.334 [16]
462.694 [16]
568.312 [17]
658.042 [13]
Isandel Garcia
(Penalties: 0)
160.31 [6]
261.713 [11]
367.154 [14]
461.087 [14]
562.452 [14]
Jessica Barton
(Penalties: 0)
186.259 [18]
274.903 [18]
381.388 [18]
471.776 [18]
564.414 [18]
Daniel Fernandez
(Penalties: 0)
169.923 [13]
260.37 [12]
356.07 [3]
459.543 [5]
554.763 [2]
654.143 [2]