Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


2/15/2025 7:40 PM


Michael Adon

Heat Winner: RacerMichael Adon
Best Lap52.04 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap54.122
ProSkill SCORE2113 This Round +/- 55
2nd Place: RacerMari Osorio
Best Lap55.386 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader3.346 Average Lap57.509
ProSkill SCORE1341 This Round +/- 141
3rd Place: RacerJudah Harling
Best Lap55.446 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader3.406 Average Lap58.62
ProSkill SCORE1376 This Round +/- 111
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Gloria Cano 55.922 3.882 5 59.054 1259
5 Matthew Ziegler 56.081 4.041 5 58.875 1282
6 Bradford Then 56.171 4.131 5 60.398 1262
7 Mykhaylo Volo 57.586 5.546 5 59.795 1444
8 Juaneka Harling 59.037 6.997 4 62.751 1227
9 Nicholas Lorv... 59.127 7.087 5 64.502 1110
10 Bryant Then 60.599 8.559 4 61.831 1184
11 Jasmine Domeneck 61.217 9.177 4 62.734 1119
12 William Posadas 61.441 9.401 4 75.254 1249
13 Darius Lee 61.778 9.738 4 63.747 1125
14 Mary Dwy 65.938 13.898 4 75.627 1242
15 Maegan Michel 67.255 15.215 3 74.194 970
16 Nykia Herrar 76.384 24.344 3 84.11 1068

Lap Times by Racer

Michael Adon
(Penalties: 0)
176.367 [1]
255.594 [1]
352.341 [1]
452.04 [1]
556.513 [1]
William Posadas
(Penalties: 0)
181.721 [7]
261.441 [9]
399.989 [11]
464.332 [12]
Nicholas Lorv...
(Penalties: 0)
199.428 [13]
271.147 [14]
366.714 [14]
461.022 [10]
559.127 [9]
Mykhaylo Volo
(Penalties: 0)
181.82 [8]
257.858 [3]
357.586 [5]
460.53 [7]
563.205 [7]
Jasmine Domeneck
(Penalties: 0)
178.546 [3]
261.217 [8]
365.308 [10]
461.676 [11]
Juaneka Harling
(Penalties: 0)
1116.034 [16]
265.255 [12]
359.037 [8]
463.961 [8]
Judah Harling
(Penalties: 0)
190.387 [11]
260.685 [6]
355.446 [2]
461.974 [3]
556.373 [3]
Gloria Cano
(Penalties: 0)
1111.655 [15]
260.624 [5]
358.262 [6]
455.922 [4]
561.409 [4]
Maegan Michel
(Penalties: 0)
179.148 [5]
281.132 [15]
367.255 [15]
Matthew Ziegler
(Penalties: 0)
178.968 [4]
258.266 [4]
364.307 [7]
456.846 [6]
556.081 [5]
Bryant Then
(Penalties: 0)
177.996 [2]
263.864 [11]
361.03 [9]
460.599 [9]
Bradford Then
(Penalties: 0)
182.307 [9]
261.022 [7]
356.171 [3]
460.851 [5]
563.547 [6]
Mary Dwy
(Penalties: 0)
1102.905 [14]
268.524 [13]
365.938 [13]
492.419 [14]
Darius Lee
(Penalties: 0)
190.59 [12]
261.778 [10]
364.861 [12]
464.603 [13]
Nykia Herrar
(Penalties: 0)
183.653 [10]
291.837 [16]
376.384 [16]
Mari Osorio
(Penalties: 0)
181.242 [6]
256.952 [2]
358.663 [4]
455.386 [2]
559.034 [2]