Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


2/15/2025 12:20 PM



Heat Winner: RacerManny
Best Lap50.361 # of Laps8 Gap from Leader- Average Lap53.785
ProSkill SCORE2850 This Round +/- 72
2nd Place: RacerJustin The Cha...
Best Lap50.516 # of Laps8 Gap from Leader0.155 Average Lap53.712
ProSkill SCORE2067 This Round +/- 99
3rd Place: RacerYo Dadee
Best Lap50.527 # of Laps8 Gap from Leader0.166 Average Lap53.733
ProSkill SCORE4101 This Round +/- -53
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Bryan Gilbert 51.758 1.397 8 55.755 1568
5 Nicolas Llano 52.691 2.330 8 56.34 1487
6 Andrew Gallego 53.106 2.745 8 56.28 1313
7 Donald Booker 53.186 2.825 8 57.215 1375
8 Daniel Montejo 54.142 3.781 8 57.106 1326
9 Joseph Barreira 54.663 4.302 6 61.593 1234
10 Darrian Booker 55.142 4.781 8 59.043 1302
11 Ismael Perez 55.232 4.871 7 61.149 1249
12 Malik Rahim 55.509 5.148 7 58.048 1327
13 Fred Twum-Ache... 55.955 5.594 7 57.512 1192
14 Cynthia Perez 56.463 6.102 7 58.738 1111
15 Ashley Gallego 56.615 6.254 8 58.34 1107
16 Hailey Ambach 57.452 7.091 8 61.209 1044
17 Brendan Clausen 58.993 8.632 7 63.074 1069
18 Hugo Reyes 59.915 9.554 7 64.417 1157
19 Evelyn Perez 60.729 10.368 7 63.563 985
20 Vivian Arce 65.763 15.402 6 70.206 923

Lap Times by Racer

(Penalties: 0)
168.978 [3]
252.077 [1]
352.617 [2]
459.953 [2]
553.065 [3]
652.337 [3]
750.361 [1]
856.086 [1]
Yo Dadee
(Penalties: 0)
168.028 [2]
252.719 [2]
352.528 [3]
455.415 [4]
550.662 [2]
650.527 [2]
755.48 [3]
858.802 [3]
Evelyn Perez
(Penalties: 0)
189.561 [9]
261.912 [14]
360.729 [17]
464.795 [19]
563.34 [19]
663.421 [19]
767.181 [19]
Ashley Gallego
(Penalties: 0)
192.937 [13]
259.538 [11]
360.24 [15]
457.159 [13]
557.456 [14]
656.615 [14]
757.468 [15]
859.904 [15]
Hugo Reyes
(Penalties: 0)
193.851 [14]
259.915 [12]
364.714 [16]
464.095 [18]
565.617 [18]
664.168 [18]
767.992 [18]
Fred Twum-Ache...
(Penalties: 0)
180.336 [5]
255.955 [4]
356.257 [8]
457.801 [9]
556.802 [10]
661.404 [11]
756.85 [13]
Justin The Cha...
(Penalties: 0)
199.401 [17]
253.682 [3]
350.516 [1]
458.346 [1]
553.346 [1]
653.727 [1]
754.203 [2]
852.163 [2]
Donald Booker
(Penalties: 0)
1103.947 [20]
261.765 [13]
354.167 [5]
455.549 [6]
553.186 [6]
654.464 [7]
760.583 [7]
860.793 [7]
Darrian Booker
(Penalties: 0)
199.909 [18]
265.222 [16]
355.142 [7]
460.192 [8]
559.908 [8]
655.671 [9]
757.098 [10]
860.067 [10]
Bryan Gilbert
(Penalties: 0)
197.448 [16]
263.747 [15]
353.545 [4]
452.19 [3]
555.098 [4]
660.725 [4]
753.224 [4]
851.758 [4]
Hailey Ambach
(Penalties: 0)
197.278 [15]
267.227 [17]
358.018 [13]
460.487 [15]
559.144 [16]
658.785 [16]
757.452 [16]
867.353 [16]
Andrew Gallego
(Penalties: 0)
192.647 [12]
257.488 [8]
357.777 [11]
453.923 [5]
553.106 [5]
653.386 [6]
758.846 [6]
859.432 [6]
Malik Rahim
(Penalties: 0)
187.39 [7]
257.919 [9]
359.046 [12]
460.835 [14]
557.106 [13]
657.875 [15]
755.509 [12]
Daniel Montejo
(Penalties: 0)
187.491 [8]
256.581 [6]
359.172 [9]
456.188 [11]
557.228 [12]
656.192 [12]
754.142 [8]
860.241 [8]
Nicolas Llano
(Penalties: 0)
182.888 [6]
256.586 [7]
364.665 [10]
456.302 [12]
556.089 [11]
652.816 [5]
752.691 [5]
855.228 [5]
Ismael Perez
(Penalties: 0)
173.919 [4]
268.169 [19]
368.895 [19]
456.069 [10]
555.232 [9]
658.448 [10]
760.083 [11]
Joseph Barreira
(Penalties: 0)
155.993 [1]
268.593 [5]
354.663 [6]
459.447 [7]
557.981 [7]
667.28 [8]
Cynthia Perez
(Penalties: 0)
191.83 [10]
259.176 [10]
362.273 [14]
459.514 [17]
557.814 [15]
656.463 [13]
757.188 [14]
Vivian Arce
(Penalties: 0)
192.48 [11]
273.005 [20]
373.464 [20]
467.746 [20]
565.763 [20]
671.053 [20]
Brendan Clausen
(Penalties: 0)
1100.117 [19]
267.486 [18]
360.827 [18]
458.993 [16]
564.73 [17]
665.584 [17]
760.823 [17]