Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


2/15/2025 6:00 PM


Sam Dwy

Heat Winner: RacerSam Dwy
Best Lap56.164 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap62.378
ProSkill SCORE1393 This Round +/- 193
2nd Place: RacerMichael Adon
Best Lap58.379 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader2.215 Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE2056 This Round +/- 59
3rd Place: RacerMilton Coronel
Best Lap59.664 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader3.500 Average Lap66.994
ProSkill SCORE1353 This Round +/- 153
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 James Scheuer 61.92 5.756 5 64.236 1333
5 Daniel Jimenez 62.172 6.008 5 65.882 1313
6 Jasmine Domeneck 62.375 6.211 4 69.973 1293
7 Errington Flet... 62.457 6.293 5 65.132 1486
8 Seth Corba 62.757 6.593 5 69.563 1253
9 Daniel Moran 62.957 6.793 5 67.73 1233
10 Minor Moran 63.002 6.838 5 65.114 1213
11 Marty Moran 63.251 7.087 5 68.873 1193
12 Keith Wiggins 64.767 8.603 3 68.43 1173
13 Shamika Bonner 65.254 9.090 5 72.559 1153
14 Jessica Carroll 65.857 9.693 4 82.765 1133
15 Kyle Foster 66.397 10.233 5 69.91 1113
16 Andres Rodas 66.987 10.823 4 68.857 1093
17 Josué Acosta 67.628 11.464 4 72.81 1073
18 Prince Manly 83.506 27.342 4 91.673 1053
19 Rabiatu Wright 90.846 34.682 3 94.346 1033

Lap Times by Racer

Michael Adon
(Penalties: 0)
158.379 [1]
Sam Dwy
(Penalties: 0)
164.523 [3]
265.2 [4]
356.164 [1]
464.584 [1]
563.562 [1]
Minor Moran
(Penalties: 0)
183.873 [9]
263.002 [3]
369.32 [5]
463.994 [5]
564.14 [10]
Errington Flet...
(Penalties: 0)
168.918 [4]
266.787 [8]
363.783 [7]
467.503 [8]
562.457 [7]
Jessica Carroll
(Penalties: 0)
190.96 [13]
265.857 [6]
380.814 [11]
4101.625 [11]
Marty Moran
(Penalties: 0)
197.514 [15]
267.99 [9]
376.046 [15]
468.206 [16]
563.251 [11]
Daniel Moran
(Penalties: 0)
193.798 [14]
264.88 [5]
376.217 [9]
466.864 [10]
562.957 [9]
James Scheuer
(Penalties: 0)
182.572 [8]
266.608 [7]
364.885 [10]
463.531 [7]
561.92 [4]
Jasmine Domeneck
(Penalties: 0)
162.375 [2]
276.107 [2]
367.357 [4]
466.454 [4]
Rabiatu Wright
(Penalties: 0)
1114.412 [18]
297.847 [19]
390.846 [19]
Milton Coronel
(Penalties: 0)
173.449 [6]
268.319 [10]
359.664 [3]
467.727 [3]
572.264 [3]
Andres Rodas
(Penalties: 0)
199.067 [16]
272.463 [14]
366.987 [13]
467.12 [13]
Daniel Jimenez
(Penalties: 0)
184.003 [10]
272.882 [15]
363.493 [6]
464.979 [6]
562.172 [5]
Seth Corba
(Penalties: 0)
181.901 [7]
276.74 [17]
367.247 [14]
471.509 [14]
562.757 [8]
Kyle Foster
(Penalties: 0)
188.695 [12]
273.257 [16]
366.925 [12]
473.061 [12]
566.397 [15]
Josué Acosta
(Penalties: 0)
172.215 [5]
276.578 [13]
374.225 [17]
467.628 [15]
Keith Wiggins
(Penalties: 0)
1158.474 [19]
272.093 [12]
364.767 [8]
Shamika Bonner
(Penalties: 0)
1100.063 [17]
269.105 [11]
383.026 [16]
472.851 [17]
565.254 [13]
Prince Manly
(Penalties: 0)
186.988 [11]
299.327 [18]
383.506 [18]
492.187 [18]