Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


2/15/2025 7:50 PM


Harrison Soriel

Heat Winner: RacerHarrison Soriel
Best Lap64.673 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap67.14
ProSkill SCORE1359 This Round +/- 159
2nd Place: RacerAxel Zamora
Best Lap65.051 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader0.378 Average Lap71.12
ProSkill SCORE1441 This Round +/- 124
3rd Place: RacerAaron Ricardo
Best Lap65.637 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader0.964 Average Lap75.001
ProSkill SCORE1307 This Round +/- 119
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Gabriel Gavila... 65.653 0.980 5 67.414 1299
5 Declan Charles 65.733 1.060 5 67.029 1279
6 Dylan Czop 66.364 1.691 5 67.332 1259
7 Gabriel Gavil... 66.722 2.049 5 79.078 1239
8 Noel Perez 66.788 2.115 5 67.644 1219
9 Paola Batista 67.125 2.452 5 69.256 1199
10 Harry Basar 67.158 2.485 5 70.287 1179
11 Rajesh Dhirmal... 67.601 2.928 5 76.943 1414
12 Dominic Disiena 67.894 3.221 5 69.419 1139
13 Rajan Dhirmalani 68.886 4.213 5 69.82 1119
14 Liam Charles 70.78 6.107 5 73.072 1099
15 Joseph Sullivan 72.767 8.094 4 79.043 1079
16 Robert Gibbons 77.765 13.092 4 79.714 1059

Lap Times by Racer

Rajesh Dhirmal...
(Penalties: 0)
189.174 [14]
288.049 [16]
383.262 [16]
467.601 [11]
568.86 [11]
Axel Zamora
(Penalties: 0)
165.051 [1]
272.963 [1]
372.017 [1]
468.381 [2]
Aaron Ricardo
(Penalties: 0)
165.637 [2]
270.401 [2]
378.591 [2]
476.01 [3]
Gabriel Gavila...
(Penalties: 0)
176.302 [9]
265.653 [3]
366.011 [3]
469.328 [4]
568.666 [4]
Gabriel Gavil...
(Penalties: 0)
175.675 [7]
271.378 [11]
3107.894 [12]
466.722 [7]
570.318 [7]
Robert Gibbons
(Penalties: 0)
191.183 [15]
280.653 [14]
380.725 [15]
477.765 [16]
Dominic Disiena
(Penalties: 0)
178.941 [12]
268.36 [9]
369.092 [9]
467.894 [12]
572.33 [12]
Dylan Czop
(Penalties: 0)
175.46 [6]
267.028 [6]
366.364 [6]
467.869 [6]
568.069 [6]
Joseph Sullivan
(Penalties: 0)
194.151 [16]
286.259 [15]
378.104 [14]
472.767 [15]
Harry Basar
(Penalties: 0)
178.932 [11]
273.977 [13]
369.685 [10]
467.158 [10]
570.329 [10]
Declan Charles
(Penalties: 0)
175.874 [8]
265.918 [5]
365.733 [5]
467.8 [5]
568.666 [5]
Liam Charles
(Penalties: 0)
179.155 [13]
272.642 [12]
374.171 [13]
474.697 [14]
570.78 [14]
Rajan Dhirmalani
(Penalties: 0)
169.756 [4]
270.426 [10]
370.073 [11]
468.886 [13]
569.893 [13]
Harrison Soriel
(Penalties: 0)
165.706 [3]
267.678 [4]
368.203 [4]
464.673 [1]
568.006 [1]
Paola Batista
(Penalties: 0)
174.333 [5]
267.125 [7]
372.199 [8]
468.101 [9]
569.601 [9]
Noel Perez
(Penalties: 0)
176.521 [10]
268.3 [8]
366.788 [7]
467.819 [8]
567.671 [8]