Heat Results

Heat Type

Supertrack Semi

Win By

Best Lap


2/18/2025 2:30 PM


Kelvin Huang

Heat Winner: RacerKelvin Huang
Best Lap138.637 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader- Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE1442 This Round +/- 242
2nd Place: RacerConnor Smith
Best Lap144.541 # of Laps2 Gap from Leader5.904 Average Lap162.683
ProSkill SCORE1590 This Round +/- 179
3rd Place: RacerAngelo Rivera
Best Lap145.723 # of Laps1 Gap from Leader7.086 Average Lap0
ProSkill SCORE1402 This Round +/- 202
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Andrew Hader 146.106 7.469 2 166.992 1469
5 Samuel Hader 149.13 10.493 2 167.944 1296
6 Jun Meyer 149.566 10.929 2 166.581 1410
7 Oliver Hader 149.758 11.121 2 169.265 1332
8 Allison Sidorsky 150.368 11.731 2 161.991 1513
9 Mostaffa Elhady 150.648 12.011 2 185.765 1283
10 Mo 151.363 12.726 2 166.566 1263
11 Sol Meyer 152.291 13.654 2 167.248 1288
12 Bella Walker 153.127 14.490 1 0 1223
13 Jasin Limani 155.742 17.105 2 173.018 1142
14 Nicholas Rivera 158.137 19.500 1 0 1184
15 Youseff Elhady 159.597 20.960 2 177.097 1164
16 Noah Rivera 168.067 29.430 2 168.067 1144
17 Hanlin Lu 174.678 36.041 1 0 1124
18 Nina Rivera 185.655 47.018 2 185.655 1166
19 Alan Lei 193.206 54.569 1 0 1084
20 Cerro Chen 206.441 67.804 1 0 1064
21 Eva Rivera 225.131 86.494 1 0 1044
22 Faith Ford 264.404 125.767 1 0 1024

Lap Times by Racer

Jun Meyer
(Penalties: 0)
1149.566 [6]
2166.581 [6]
Sol Meyer
(Penalties: 0)
1152.291 [11]
2167.248 [11]
Allison Sidorsky
(Penalties: 0)
1150.368 [8]
2161.991 [8]
Connor Smith
(Penalties: 0)
1144.541 [2]
2162.683 [2]
Jasin Limani
(Penalties: 0)
1155.742 [13]
2173.018 [13]
Eva Rivera
(Penalties: 0)
1225.131 [21]
Nina Rivera
(Penalties: 0)
1214.264 [20]
2185.655 [18]
Samuel Hader
(Penalties: 0)
1149.13 [5]
2167.944 [5]
Oliver Hader
(Penalties: 0)
1149.758 [7]
2169.265 [7]
Andrew Hader
(Penalties: 0)
1146.106 [4]
2166.992 [4]
Angelo Rivera
(Penalties: 0)
1145.723 [3]
Noah Rivera
(Penalties: 0)
1203.342 [18]
2168.067 [16]
Nicholas Rivera
(Penalties: 0)
1158.137 [14]
Faith Ford
(Penalties: 0)
1264.404 [22]
(Penalties: 0)
1151.363 [10]
2166.566 [10]
Cerro Chen
(Penalties: 0)
1206.441 [19]
Mostaffa Elhady
(Penalties: 0)
1150.648 [9]
2185.765 [9]
Youseff Elhady
(Penalties: 0)
1159.597 [15]
2177.097 [15]
Kelvin Huang
(Penalties: 0)
1138.637 [1]
Hanlin Lu
(Penalties: 0)
1174.678 [16]
Alan Lei
(Penalties: 0)
1193.206 [17]
Bella Walker
(Penalties: 0)
1153.127 [12]