Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


3/8/2025 2:00 PM


Karol Swiechow...

Heat Winner: RacerKarol Swiechow...
Best Lap57.374 # of Laps6 Gap from Leader- Average Lap61.861
ProSkill SCORE1408 This Round +/- 208
2nd Place: RacerJeremy Emery
Best Lap57.496 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader0.122 Average Lap60.122
ProSkill SCORE1459 This Round +/- 169
3rd Place: RacerThomas Jaffray
Best Lap57.509 # of Laps6 Gap from Leader0.135 Average Lap60.661
ProSkill SCORE1418 This Round +/- 151
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Andrzej Bak 57.658 0.284 6 60.011 1348
5 Andrew Jaffray 57.737 0.363 6 60.482 1289
6 Chris Moore 58.273 0.899 6 61.173 1309
7 Rafal Faron 58.297 0.923 6 61.461 1289
8 Alicja Swiecho... 58.794 1.420 5 59.937 1269
9 Brad Postler 58.977 1.603 6 64.635 1249
10 Rick Montero 59.02 1.646 5 60.664 1378
11 Victoria Faron 59.098 1.724 5 60.288 1209
12 Kevin McCarthy 59.118 1.744 5 61.452 1243
13 Sierra Ziegler 59.171 1.797 6 62.767 1169
14 Madeline Mccar... 60.66 3.286 5 65.578 1149
15 Antonio Rivera 60.744 3.370 5 62.402 1109
16 Katherine John... 63.779 6.405 5 66.291 1110
17 Jeffery Rosenb... 65.722 8.348 5 68.154 1090
18 Jayson Scarbor... 66.388 9.014 5 69.68 1070
19 Angelika Swiec... 68.051 10.677 5 70.944 1050
20 Terrell Tate 70.397 13.023 4 75.904 1030
21 Marquise Jones 74.48 17.106 4 76.418 1010

Lap Times by Racer

Kevin McCarthy
(Penalties: 0)
172.097 [15]
264.168 [11]
363.156 [13]
459.367 [4]
559.118 [11]
Jeremy Emery
(Penalties: 0)
158.866 [1]
260.197 [2]
358.98 [2]
457.496 [1]
563.814 [1]
Rick Montero
(Penalties: 0)
163.579 [4]
262.648 [9]
359.853 [5]
461.137 [6]
559.02 [8]
Antonio Rivera
(Penalties: 0)
164.287 [6]
265.591 [12]
362.124 [12]
460.744 [9]
561.148 [15]
Terrell Tate
(Penalties: 0)
179.831 [20]
279.842 [21]
377.473 [21]
470.397 [20]
Marquise Jones
(Penalties: 0)
184.323 [21]
278.071 [20]
376.703 [20]
474.48 [21]
Jayson Scarbor...
(Penalties: 0)
172.829 [17]
269.47 [18]
371.199 [19]
471.662 [19]
566.388 [18]
Madeline Mccar...
(Penalties: 0)
167.361 [12]
264.68 [14]
373.516 [14]
463.457 [14]
560.66 [14]
Thomas Jaffray
(Penalties: 0)
167.189 [9]
262.108 [6]
359.976 [7]
464.677 [8]
559.037 [9]
657.509 [3]
Alicja Swiecho...
(Penalties: 0)
162.968 [3]
258.794 [1]
360.615 [1]
460.85 [2]
559.489 [6]
Andrzej Bak
(Penalties: 0)
167.328 [10]
262.059 [5]
359.845 [4]
462.498 [5]
557.997 [2]
657.658 [4]
Andrew Jaffray
(Penalties: 0)
166.559 [8]
262.404 [8]
361.127 [9]
462.612 [11]
558.532 [5]
657.737 [5]
Karol Swiechow...
(Penalties: 0)
168.365 [13]
264.538 [13]
361.713 [10]
467.186 [12]
558.496 [4]
657.374 [1]
Angelika Swiec...
(Penalties: 0)
176.033 [19]
268.051 [17]
370.922 [18]
471.687 [18]
573.117 [19]
Victoria Faron
(Penalties: 0)
164.07 [5]
259.128 [3]
359.098 [3]
463.619 [3]
559.306 [10]
Rafal Faron
(Penalties: 0)
167.356 [11]
262.111 [7]
362.29 [11]
464.755 [13]
559.854 [13]
658.297 [7]
Brad Postler
(Penalties: 0)
168.904 [14]
262.917 [10]
360.794 [8]
469.689 [10]
558.977 [7]
670.8 [9]
Sierra Ziegler
(Penalties: 0)
166.259 [7]
264.749 [15]
365.901 [15]
464.388 [16]
559.171 [12]
659.624 [13]
Jeffery Rosenb...
(Penalties: 0)
172.715 [16]
269.604 [19]
367.584 [17]
465.722 [17]
569.707 [17]
Katherine John...
(Penalties: 0)
175.562 [18]
266.08 [16]
365.883 [16]
463.779 [15]
569.421 [16]
Chris Moore
(Penalties: 0)
162.208 [2]
259.875 [4]
367.734 [6]
461.506 [7]
558.475 [3]
658.273 [6]