Heat Results

Heat Type


Win By

Best Lap


3/8/2025 12:50 PM


Richard Williams

Heat Winner: RacerRichard Williams
Best Lap72.397 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader- Average Lap74.884
ProSkill SCORE2147 This Round +/- 72
2nd Place: RacerMihir Khanna
Best Lap72.744 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader0.347 Average Lap75.341
ProSkill SCORE1383 This Round +/- 183
3rd Place: RacerZara Poindexter
Best Lap73.24 # of Laps4 Gap from Leader0.843 Average Lap76.278
ProSkill SCORE1363 This Round +/- 163
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Xavier Israel 73.65 1.253 4 75.96 1664
5 Seth Poindexter 73.699 1.302 4 76.347 1323
6 Arthur Lopes 75.033 2.636 4 77.151 1303
7 Nathan Rosen 75.553 3.156 4 78.829 1487
8 Benjamin Rosen 75.586 3.189 4 80.012 1388
9 Ella Poindexter 76.475 4.078 4 77.164 1243
10 Simone McKinnon 76.822 4.425 4 79.118 1223
11 Eyder Lopes 76.863 4.466 4 80.061 1203
12 Cassidy McKin... 76.883 4.486 4 79.176 1183
13 Gicomo Giorgiana 77.347 4.950 4 79.919 1163
14 Fynn S 77.667 5.270 4 79.667 1143
15 Grant He 79.071 6.674 2 79.071 1123
16 Aiden O’Neal 79.712 7.315 4 81.888 1103
17 Yuveer Chug 79.863 7.466 4 82.044 1083
18 Paige He 96.333 23.936 3 105.669 1063
19 Kavish Vyas 109.122 36.725 3 109.352 1295

Lap Times by Racer

Xavier Israel
(Penalties: 0)
174.667 [4]
273.65 [4]
373.825 [4]
480.404 [4]
Nathan Rosen
(Penalties: 0)
175.553 [7]
275.672 [7]
379.463 [7]
481.352 [7]
Benjamin Rosen
(Penalties: 0)
175.667 [8]
275.586 [8]
380.806 [8]
483.645 [8]
Richard Williams
(Penalties: 0)
174.008 [1]
272.397 [1]
372.601 [1]
479.653 [1]
Kavish Vyas
(Penalties: 0)
1109.122 [18]
2109.295 [19]
3109.41 [19]
Seth Poindexter
(Penalties: 0)
174.655 [3]
273.699 [5]
375.203 [5]
480.139 [5]
Eyder Lopes
(Penalties: 0)
197.748 [17]
276.863 [11]
380.253 [11]
483.067 [11]
Ella Poindexter
(Penalties: 0)
177.181 [9]
276.475 [9]
376.883 [9]
478.134 [9]
Arthur Lopes
(Penalties: 0)
175.162 [5]
275.744 [6]
375.033 [6]
480.676 [6]
Zara Poindexter
(Penalties: 0)
175.525 [6]
273.24 [2]
375.329 [3]
480.265 [3]
Simone McKinnon
(Penalties: 0)
178.042 [12]
276.822 [10]
380.135 [10]
480.396 [10]
Cassidy McKin...
(Penalties: 0)
178.041 [11]
276.883 [12]
379.298 [12]
481.347 [12]
Grant He
(Penalties: 0)
180.997 [15]
279.071 [14]
Paige He
(Penalties: 0)
1111.354 [19]
296.333 [18]
3115.005 [18]
Fynn S
(Penalties: 0)
177.667 [10]
278.53 [13]
377.818 [14]
482.652 [14]
Yuveer Chug
(Penalties: 0)
179.863 [13]
281.941 [15]
382.03 [17]
482.16 [17]
Mihir Khanna
(Penalties: 0)
174.216 [2]
273.264 [3]
372.744 [2]
480.016 [2]
Gicomo Giorgiana
(Penalties: 0)
180.94 [14]
281.62 [17]
377.347 [13]
480.79 [13]
Aiden O’Neal
(Penalties: 0)
181.729 [16]
280.457 [16]
379.712 [16]
485.494 [16]